白小姐王中王开奖结果 is excited to announce an incredible opportunity to become part of our global community! From July 28th to August 10th, 2024, we will be hosting students from Korea for a cultural exchange program. We are looking for families who are interested in opening their homes and hearts to our international guests for 13 nights.
Hosting a student from Korea is not just an enriching experience for your family, but it also opens doors to cultural exchange and lifelong friendships. By welcoming these students into your home, you are providing them with a unique opportunity to experience Australian culture firsthand, while also giving your own family the chance to learn about Korean traditions and customs.
Dates: July 28th – August 10th, 2024 (13 nights)
Compensation: $631.41 for hosting one student for the duration of the stay. If hosting two students, families will receive double the amount.
Accommodation: Families can host two students in one room, provided they sleep on separate beds.
Host families are required to provide accommodation and meals, transport their study student to and from school each day, and provide packed lunches and snacks during the school week.
The accreditation process involves:
- A staff member from our International Program visiting your home to check suitability for having a student and providing more detailed information about Study Tours
- All members of the household over 18 years have a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC)
- One member of the family to have completed the Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) training, which is a two part online course.
The school can arrange for any of the above screenings required and cover the cost involved.
If you’re interested in becoming a host family for this incredible opportunity, please register your interest or contact Enrolment Officer, Cassandra Schilling or Deputy Principal, Nathan Cini. We welcome families of all backgrounds and sizes to join us in this cultural exchange adventure.
Information Sessions: Join us for in-person information sessions where you can learn more about the program, ask questions, and meet other families who are participating. Stay tuned for dates and details!
Stay Connected: Follow us on social media for updates, photos, and stories from the exchange program. Use the hashtag #MGHSExchange to share your experiences and connect with other participants.